The Doodle Diaries....The Life and Times of Amy Doodle

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Super Bowl Commercials

What happen to the days when promoting families on tv was okay? Somewhere during the time I was growing up, I guess the idea of "familes" went out the window. Tim Tebo and his mother, and focus on the family are being attack for a superbowl commercial!! WHY?? B/c the idea of family and saving lives step on peoples toes! Now, it's pefectly fine to have commercials about beer, and sex but take a 30 sec commercial promoting family and life and everyone goes crazy. When did that become such a BAD thing. My heart is broken over the things that please this world. Things that are true and virtous and wholesome have become evil to the world. The world just wants to feel good all the time. Don't you dare put something on tv that would for a sec make me feel uncomfortable. I am proud that focus on the family is taking a stand!! It's time we christians take our stand as well!!!!!!!! Draw that line in the sand and step over it and sit down!.......


Right now in your life are you suffering? I know so many different situations where suffering is taking place this very instance. Families being torn apart, the pain of losing someone, addictions, and or just the feeling of being lost. There's so many things out in this world that cause us to suffer. And of course, no one likes to suffer. And in those tough times, we mostly ask the question, "why?"
Today in church, pastor preached on " The Call of Suffering." I just wanted to share a few things I took from the sermon. I comes from the text 1Peter 15. 12-19. It starts off by telling us christians, don't think it's strange that your suffering, but rejoice. You're thinking yeah right, rejoice, how can I do that during a time like this. But we must remember that God allowed this to happen. He's using this suffering to cleanse and refine us. And when you are out, you will look back and say WOW, God I've never felt you like that. THANK YOU!! And when you rejoice like scripture says, that doesn't mean the pain just goes away. That rejoicing is rejoicing for the fact that God is on your side. By rejoicing with God, that show's him how much faith you have. And that pleases God!!!!
Now, I know this is so much easier to say when you're not going through this. I right now am not suffering. However, I know a day will come when suffering and trials come into my life. When that time comes, I want to get it right. It will be painful and tears will be shed but at that time I cry out, God will be there holding my hand. And my pray is that during that time, He is glorified!!!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Just Say Yes to the Dress

As some of you know, I am quietly planning a wedding for June 12. We are not 'officially" engaged. We are doing things a little backwards but it doesn't bother me. Once the ring is one the finger, then everyone will know about the wedding. Last Monday I found the dress! I absolutely love it!!! I had fun trying on all sorts of dresses. They were all cute but just not what I had in mind for my wedding. I thought I would show you the "no" dresses. Please keep in mind they were not in my size!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Losing Hair........

Okay, if you have ever had something wrong with you and had a hard time diagnosing it, or it took forever to heal, you will relate to this blog! Ever since this summer when I found out that my thyroid was messed up and I had to start medication, my hair has been falling out. Now when I say falling out, I don' t mean little bits, I mean lots bits! Every time I brush my hair, or shower or just move, there it goes, and in handfuls. So awhile back I went to my doctors and she uped my meds, since they were messed up. Well, the hair still continues to fall. I have another appointment next week, but this time I have done my research. I found this website to answer all my questions. ..... I was so glad to find out that I'm not alone in this battle. Constantly losing hair is scary! When you can tell your hair is much thinner and you are constantly looking for bald spots, that's when I say enough!!!! I ordered some vitamin supplements that are suppose to help. But when I go back to the doctor, I am taking the info I have learned and asking for help!! I want my healthy, thick hair back!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goodbye to 09, Hello 2010

WOW! Really?! It's already 2010? That's kinda scary. That means I have been out of high school for 10 years! Wowzaa! I'm getting old. HAHA
2009 was a great year for me! I really have nothing to complain about. God was so good to me! Most importantly, He put Bryan into my life at the beginning of the year and off we went as a couple. I was so exciting to see what 2009 would be like, since there would be a lot of first. Like, meeting his girls, meeting his family, celebrating valentines with a boyfriend, taking trips, meeting my family, celebrating Christmas, and all the other fun stuff that comes along. In 2009 I got to see what true, unconditional love looks like from a humans point of view. It still amazes me to this day! There are times when I'm in a poopy mood, or just feeling my ugliest and yet Bryan tells me, "It doesn't matter, I still love you." I can't even find a word to use to describe that feeling, knowing that I am loves regardless!
But along with all that goodness, I can find a few, actually two things I would change. Or maybe not change but just work harder on. I don't want to sound ungrateful for 2009, because I am not, that I promise!!! But as romance swept me off my feet in 2009, two other things took a back seat in my life. I hesitate talking about them b/c they are personal, but this is my blog, and this is where I come to write. So I'm not making New Years Resolutions, because those are silly and we all know everyone pretty much breaks them. But I am going to try to make a few changes in my life.
Change one - I remember last Christmas getting a book about personal fitness, and being so exciting about the change coming to my life, refering to weigh loss. My first week I lost 5 pounds and I was dedicate. That was until I met Bryan. Then I just said what the heck. He loves me just the way I am! But now a year later, I am so much heavier that I have ever been and it's not just 5 extra pounds, it's many. This weight battle isn't new, I have struggled with it since I can remember. I have never been the "skinny girl" nor did I ever truly believe I could be her. But then I watched the Biggest Loser and saw all these huge people become tiny and something clicked. I want it so bad but clearly not bad enough since I choose to sit on the couch and eat my ice cream. I don't understand why I lack the drive. I don't understand why it's hard. I just want to feel good about myself. I want to have energy to run around and not just sleep all the time. So, as hard as I am thinking it's going to be, I'm going to try and get my healthy, energized body back. I want to feel good about myself, and I deserve to!!!
Change two - This one is tough for me, just so you know! ~~~ Before Bryan came along, I didn't have a boyfriend but I did have someone important in my life. It was me and God. He was my partner, my buddy, my spiritual father. I relied on Him for everything and He took care of things. He always provided for me and loved me unconditionally. I remember waking up one night just heart broken about something, so I got up b/c I remember a dear friend telling me "When you wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, maybe God wants to tell you something." So, I got up and opened this book I had and there was this verse from the bible about peace. God knew my heart was breaking and He gave me exactly what I needed. That's the kind of love He has for me. Well, since God put Bryan into my life, unfortunately God has taken the back seat. Bryan loves providing for me, so I have kind of just placed my hand in his, instead of keeping Gods. Now, I know that God doesn't love me any less and He hasn't left me. But when you aren't talking with God as much, and aren't reading His word, things change. I have noticed my attitude at times being pretty stinky, I have noticed myself being selfish, and other stuff. A few weeks ago pastor preached from Romans 12: 9-13 Here are the verses

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

They really just struck me! This is what my life should look like! So in this year of 2010, I am going to allow God to be back in the drivers seat. I want Him leading my life and when that happens, these verses will come alive in my life! So as sad as I am about my our time apart, I am more excited about coming back together! And I am grateful for God's grace, that no matter what, I am loved!!!!!!!

So, as I look on 2010, I am pretty exciting. I think God's going to teach me new things and stretch me farther than I have ever gone! Plus, I think there are many new adventures right ahead!!!!