The Doodle Diaries....The Life and Times of Amy Doodle

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

  My days started off with going with my friend Denise to deliver meals to shut in people or to people who just requested them. My first time doing this was last year and I really enjoyed it. We delivered 12 meals, to six different people. One elderly woman told us she was just going to have a peanut butter sandwich, and then she invited us in. We couldn't because we had other meals to deliver but she was so grateful, that she started crying. It just broke my heart!!! I can't imagine having no one for the Holidays. One more thing to be thankful for!!..... Then I headed out to Boonville for Thanksgiving with my family. It was a great time and such yummy food. We went and saw the movies "Four Chrismases", it was cute. We also had two little babies this year for Thanksgiving. I absolutely loved holding them! They were precious!!!!! Now me and my sisters are just planing our shopping tomorrow! Can't wait!!!! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Time for Fun!!

 I made it through two days of school this week.  And now I am in Indiana with my family and am going to enjoy eating lots of yummy food, shopping and spending lots of family time!! It will fly by but I will be back in 3 weeks for Christmas!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and don't forget to give thanks to our Creator ( something we should do everyday!!)

Friday, November 21, 2008


YAY, it's Friday!!! Tonight me and Erin started decorating our house for Christmas, very exciting!!! And in 4 days I will be leaving for home (Indiana). I am super excited to spend 4 crazy days with my family. We are going to celebrate my birthday too!! I can't wait!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Being a mom could be fun!!

So tonight my friend Brieanna asked me to watch Olivia, her one year old daughter. Of course I said yes, and so far it has been so easy. So far we have colored, ate a snack and now she is watching her movie, which she LOVES. I have never seen anyone just stare at a TV like she does. I took some pics and will post them later. She is absolutely adorable!! I think being a mom could be fun, could being the key word, that is if I had a husband:)
I honestly didn't think I would make it through my Monday, but God took care of all my worried. I thought I hada project due today so I got up extra early and got at my classroom at 6 a.m. to work on it. I found out that it wasn't due till Wednesday, which is a huge blessing because it didn't get finished. Then I found out that my students were pretty good for the sub on Friday, which was also nice.
This past weekend was amazing. Thursday night was spent at the church till 1 am, decorating. Friday, Charity and I got mani's and pedi's. Such a nice treat! That night was the rehersal dinner. Saturday I was very emtional. I was just SO happy for my two best friends. These two people honestly were created for each other. I believe it whole heartedly. And to be included on their wonderful day was just awesome! The wedding went without any problems. I did catch the her flowers!!!! You know what they say! To bad I don't believe in that stuff. I know that when the timing is right, God will place my best friend into my life!!! And I will not settle for anything less than God's very best for me!!!
Then my sister, crazy noodle, and Alabama Jen were in town. So Sunday after church we all went to Peg Leg Petes for yummy lunch. So it was an extremely busy week. I am just ready to crash as soon as Olivia is asleep!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Very tired, will write later! Just wanted to post some pics for my mom :) Love ya!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nice Day Off

  Today is Veterans Day, therefore that means I have no school! Yippee!!! Last night Charity, and Peter's mother came over, and we sat in the hot tub for an hour. It was SOOOOO relaxing! I love the hot tub. I got to sleep in today till 9:00. That was awesome too. Then me and Charity met and found something to wear for the rehearsal dinner. After that we headed to yummy Panera and had lunch with Karen. Now I am just going to relax and enjoy the rest of my afternoon off. Oh yeah and tonight is 7:22 and Peter is preaching. I can't wait!!!! 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Hair Color

    It's Saturday, YAY!!!! For some crazy reason, I woke up at 7:50 and could not fall back asleep. That is so frustrating!!! So I decided to read a little and then start my day. Last night Erin helped me dye my hair black, so today I curled it and was basically trying to just get use to it. Then I did some shopping and headed out to this house, where I am house sitting. Erin met me this afternoon to see the Secret Life of Bees. It was such a great movie. Plus I read the book about 4 years ago and the movie was just as good!!!! In a bit, I am headed to a shower for Charity. Her big day is in 7 days!!! I am so excited about that too!!!!!! 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Big Day in History

So, everyone is ranting and raving, "Today is a Huge Day in History" and boy do they not have a clue!!! I know that so many people are ready for a change and most believe Obama will be delivering that but most don't truly understand the change that will be coming. I was just reading how Israel kept asking for a king and God finally said okay, you want it, here it is. And were there consequences, yes!!!!! America wants a change, OKAY, but be ready!!! I actually have peace about the whole thing, b/c I have a savior, who is still on the throne, but I promise you, America is not going to get any better and it's really sad b/c our nation was founded on God and moral principles but slowly they are disappearing.... Okay I am done preaching:)..... Hope everyone is enjoying their week. I went to get my dress for the wedding in 10 days. I am SO SO excited, I just can't wait!!!!...

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Okay, so after small group tonight, all I can really say is wow. I am telling you what, God was there!!!!! Peter felt lead to put our new series "Twisted" on hold and he just did what the spirit lead. He preached about how it is time for christians to stop playing game and to be that light on a hill for ALL to see. At a time more than ever, where this nation is SO dark, we, CHRISTIANS, need to step up, RIGHT NOW!!! It could be 5 days, 5 years, or 50 Years, but our time on this earth is ending soon, and it's our time to do what God put us here for!!!!! After he spoke, we all just prayed and worshiped God. It was awesome to say the very least!!!!!! I can't wait to see what God does with our small group!!!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Last night, me and Erin decided to pass on the 70s party and stay at home to hand out candy. Brie brought Olivia over and we all sat outside to hand out candy. We sat outside from 7-8:30ish. We were so surprised, we had a ton of kids. We actually got rid of all of our candy, which was really good, because now I can't eat it all. Olivia was SO cute. She would pick of the candy, put it in the kids buckets and then say more. She kept trying to give them more. She was great at her job. After we ran out of candy, we turned off all the lights and called it a night. After awhile, I went over to Brie's and we watched a movie.
It's kinda sad when 8:30 is sleeping in. I tried to sleep as long as possible but 8:30 it was. I got up, went and worked in my classroom for awhile and then went to vote. It really is exciting that we as Americans get to vote. I believe it is everyone's duty to go vote. I was surprised, b/c it only took like 10 min. Tuesday is a big day. Alot of changes are coming our way as Americans but i know that God is the true King of this Nation, and I am just putting my vote on HIM!!!! GO VOTE!!!