The Doodle Diaries....The Life and Times of Amy Doodle

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"A Just Man"

With Christmas quickly approaching, I decided to open my Bible and read the "Christmas Story." It's SO easy to forget what this season is truly about. I get caught up in decorating and buying gifts for everyone, but that's not it. That's not what this season is meant to be at all. While I was reading and reminding myself of the reason for the season, this phrase stuck out to me. Matthew 1:19, "Then Joseph her husband, being a just man......." Being a just man, got me thinking. How many man out there today can be truly called a "JUST" man. At this time, Joseph had found out she was pregnant, and he sure wasn't the father. But because he was that "JUST" man, he kept her safe from others . Now we don't know what he thought before the angel of the Lord appeared but it speaks volumes to me that he was a man who took care of his women, although it did not make sense. Thanks to him, Mary was kept safe and our Savior was born.
I sure am grateful for the just man that God has given me. I have heard horror story after horror story of men who were not just and torn their families apart all because of selfishness. But b/c I know my Savior and HE knows me, He gave me the desires of my heart. As we celebrate this season of Jesus birth, remember to give God praises for all the just men in your life!

"A Just Man"

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let's Catch Up!

Honestly, I have lost my desire to blog lately! But let me catch you up with the last 6 month in pictures! Maybe I will write again one day, MAYBE.

First, we get married!

Then before I know it, it's October.

Then I blink, and it's December.

Our first Christmas tree!!

Don't really understand how it happens, but time is flashing before me. Tomorrow will be our 6 month anniversary! I have loved everything about being married!!!!