Turkey Day
I made it through two days of school this week. And now I am in Indiana with my family and am going to enjoy eating lots of yummy food, shopping and spending lots of family time!! It will fly by but I will be back in 3 weeks for Christmas!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and don't forget to give thanks to our Creator ( something we should do everyday!!)
YAY, it's Friday!!! Tonight me and Erin started decorating our house for Christmas, very exciting!!! And in 4 days I will be leaving for home (Indiana). I am super excited to spend 4 crazy days with my family. We are going to celebrate my birthday too!! I can't wait!!!!!
So tonight my friend Brieanna asked me to watch Olivia, her one year old daughter. Of course I said yes, and so far it has been so easy. So far we have colored, ate a snack and now she is watching her movie, which she LOVES. I have never seen anyone just stare at a TV like she does. I took some pics and will post them later. She is absolutely adorable!! I think being a mom could be fun, could being the key word, that is if I had a husband:)
So, everyone is ranting and raving, "Today is a Huge Day in History" and boy do they not have a clue!!! I know that so many people are ready for a change and most believe Obama will be delivering that but most don't truly understand the change that will be coming. I was just reading how Israel kept asking for a king and God finally said okay, you want it, here it is. And were there consequences, yes!!!!! America wants a change, OKAY, but be ready!!! I actually have peace about the whole thing, b/c I have a savior, who is still on the throne, but I promise you, America is not going to get any better and it's really sad b/c our nation was founded on God and moral principles but slowly they are disappearing.... Okay I am done preaching:)..... Hope everyone is enjoying their week. I went to get my dress for the wedding in 10 days. I am SO SO excited, I just can't wait!!!!...
Okay, so after small group tonight, all I can really say is wow. I am telling you what, God was there!!!!! Peter felt lead to put our new series "Twisted" on hold and he just did what the spirit lead. He preached about how it is time for christians to stop playing game and to be that light on a hill for ALL to see. At a time more than ever, where this nation is SO dark, we, CHRISTIANS, need to step up, RIGHT NOW!!! It could be 5 days, 5 years, or 50 Years, but our time on this earth is ending soon, and it's our time to do what God put us here for!!!!! After he spoke, we all just prayed and worshiped God. It was awesome to say the very least!!!!!! I can't wait to see what God does with our small group!!!!!!
Last night, me and Erin decided to pass on the 70s party and stay at home to hand out candy. Brie brought Olivia over and we all sat outside to hand out candy. We sat outside from 7-8:30ish. We were so surprised, we had a ton of kids. We actually got rid of all of our candy, which was really good, because now I can't eat it all. Olivia was SO cute. She would pick of the candy, put it in the kids buckets and then say more. She kept trying to give them more. She was great at her job. After we ran out of candy, we turned off all the lights and called it a night. After awhile, I went over to Brie's and we watched a movie.