The Doodle Diaries....The Life and Times of Amy Doodle

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wedding Bells....

So, I was super excited about Friday night. Do you know the best way to burn calories and have fun? I do, it's called a barn dance. We hadn't had once since back in the spring time, so it was long over due. I just have a blast at these things! Lets be honest, I don't really have rhythm, but no one there cares, so I just do my best. We danced from 7-11. I really am interested in how many calories I burned! Lets just say when it was over, I was ready to hop in bed and sleep!

Today was Charity's wedding shower. Since I have the wonderful title of Maid of Honor, I volunteered to throw the wedding shower. I love planning parties! So from the time I woke up, till the shower time I was running around. I ordered the cake from The Cake Shop, which was new for me so I was alittle worried, but it turned out amazing. The shower went smoothly and we had a good time. On the way home, I rented a movie and I am just going to enjoy a quiet, relaxing night home.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Okay, so last Thursday Charity and I went to see the movie Fireproof, since everyone else around us had already seen it. We wanted to see it before it left the theater. No one expected it to last as long as it has at the theater, which is amazing. Since this movie has not really received any publicity like any typically movie, I was amazed at how well it's done. It truly was a touching movie. Even though it was about a married couple struggling to get by, it still spoke volumes to me. So many relationships in life struggle and they will continue to struggle until God is put as first priority in both of the people's life. This movie does a great job of portraying this concept. If you haven't seen it, go quickly!!!!


I am saying finally, because the weather has finally cooled down AND I finally had a nice relaxing weekend. Friday night about 6 people came over to the house and we had taco's. After eating dinner, we headed out to see the movie Max Payne. It was just okay, kinda weird. But I later found out it was based on a video game, so that makes sense. I must admit, it had great eye candy.... It was so nice to be able to sleep in on Saturday morning. I took my time getting ready and then spent most of the day shopping, getting ready for Charity's wedding shower next weekend. I also made time for a 30 min walk, since the weather was amazing. Today I went to church, took a nap and just got finished making monkey bread. It smells SO great, I can't wait to eat some but I have to wait a few more hours. Tonight our small group is having a party. We are carving pumpkins and just enjoying great fellowship. I think it will be a great time!!! I have throughly enjoyed my restful weekend!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Catching Up

So it’s Wednesday and I’m finally getting to sit and relax. Monday night was Erin’s surprise birthday party at Robert’s house. She thought that we were going to go out to eat but when we got to his house, SURPRISE!!! She had no clue! YAY!! Then Tuesday night was Seven:22. So now it’s Wednesday, school is over, Erin and I got a good run in. We ran to the soccer field, around it, and then did squats. Then we ran/walk back to the house. Lets just say I am already sore from those squats. Erin and I want killer bodies for next spring, HAHA. So we are starting now!!!

This past weekend was very relaxing! Friday Erin, Melissa and I went to Panama City to celebrate Erin’s birthday. Saturday was perfect weather! I sat by the pool ALL day, with perfect weather. I started reading a new book called “Memories Keepers Daughter.” So far, I am really enjoying it! Then that night a group of Erin’s friends and family all meet at the Boathouse to eat. It was yummy and great times. Once we were finished, we posed for pictures all around the restaurant. Then Sunday after church, we stopped at Destin for some shopping and donuts. The Donut Hole is the most amazing place for pastries. We got back just in time for small group and I am SO glad we got back in time. It was the last night for our series “ NEW ME” by Andy Stanley. It was a fabulous series

So now it’s Wednesday and I am so glad this week it almost over!

Friday, October 10, 2008


It is Friday and I survived the work day! Now I'm headed towards Panama City for a weekend at the beach celebrating Erin's birthday! I am so ready for a relaxing weekend! Hope everyone else has one too!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Have you ever had so much to do that you litterally have pain in your chest???? Well that is me!! I am just way to busy. I have to much to do and feel as if there is not enough time in the day to do it all. Does anyone else ever feel this way??????? Just curious!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thanks to Brie....

With Brieanna's help, I now have a very cute page! She has shown me how to do different things with my page, so I now vow to never have a boring page again. So thank you Brieanna!!!!......And I am feeling sooo much better. YAY!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Being Sick......

 So the weekend started off pretty nice. Friday night I went to two different get togethers and it was a lot of fun. Saturday I woke up and started cleaning the house for the jewelry  party.  I only had three girls b/c everyone had to cancel but it went really good. Then I started to go downhill. Me and Erin went shopping and I just felt very blah. Well by the end of the night I had a 101 fever, chills and achy bones. I woke up Sunday morning feeling the same except for a very bad sore throat. I feel like death. This is one time I really just want my mom! So I had to go to my classroom and get everything ready incase a sub was to come. That was horrible itself, just leaving the house made me wanna cry. So I pray that my body is feeling much better tomorrow and if not I'm heading out for my very first doctors visit in Florida.
........... And I must vent, another thing that makes me sick is the Chicago Cubs. They played so hard during their season to win 1st place in their league. Then in the play offs they just look like middle school players. How frustrating is that! Poor guys! It was their year but now it's just over.